
Academic Papers

Diesendorf M, Colquhoun J, Spittle BJ, Everingham DN, Clutterbuck FW (1997) ‘New evidence on fluoridation’,Aust. J. Public Health 21:187-190.

Diesendorf M, Hamilton C (eds) (1997) Human Ecology, Human Economy: Ideas for an Ecologically Sustainable Future, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 378 pp. ISBN 1 86448 288 5.

Diesendorf M (1998) ‘Australian economic models of greenhouse abatement’, Environmental Science and Policy 1: 1-12.

Diesendorf, M. (1998) ‘The fate of the ESD recommendations on greenhouse response in the energy sector’, in: C. Hamilton & D. Throsby (eds), The ESD Process: Evaluating a Policy Experiment, Canberra: Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and Graduate Program in Public Policy, ANU, 41-52.

Hutabarat, R, Banfield K, Gollner A & Diesendorf M (1999) ‘Social sustainability in passenger transport’,Proceedings of Australasian Environmental Engineering Conference, Auckland, 131-136.